

The little wonders of Fluff 'n Purrs' grow up as full members of our family, in our living room. There they learn to deal with all the day to day stuff, like the doorbell, the vacuum cleaner, t.v., radio, company and of course other cats.

Our goal is that these fantastic little creatures will leave our care after 14 weeks as well socialized little fur balls, ready to explore the world of their new "can openers" ;)

Of course we do have certain expectations of the new staff of our treasures. This all will be laid out in the sales contract we work with, but to give you a glimpse of our conditions and terms:

• One of our conditions is that the kitten will not be left to wander around lose outside.

• A enclosed garden or balcony, a cat enclosure, a restraint, all these things are acceptable, but if you think that this is asking too much, then we will not be handing over one of our babies to you.

• Another thing is that we expect the new owner to visit the kittens at least once, but preferably more often in the first 14 weeks, to create a bond with the kitten, as strong as possible 

That we expect the cat never to want for anything speaks for itself. Hereby we mean that besides the much needed attention and love, there will always be plenty of high grade food and clean drinking water, adequate medical attention and a pleasant and clean living environment.

Maybe your reaction is: "But of course!!", but believe me, if it was that common I wouldn't mention it here.


on October 29th 2023

Sharleyan and Armani

became the proud parents of 4 beautiful kittens 

Fluff 'n Purrs' Sharleyan

Armani van Miraco

Fluff 'n Purrs' Faelyn

Blue smoke (?)


reserved for Alexia and familie

Fluff 'n Purrs' Hunter

Black tabby mackerel, MCO n23


reserved for family Gatzen

Fluff 'n Purrs' Caitlyn

Black smoke, MCO ns


reserved for Bibi, John and Josefien

Fluff 'n Purrs' Cooper

Black silver tabby classic, MCO ns 22


reserved for Donals and Nathalie

Available        = I haven't found my forever home yet

Evaluation      = I might be staying here, but feel free to ask

Option           = Someone is interested, but you can always ask about me

Reserved        = My suitcase is packed, I'm ready to go on adventure!